Nature Study: from an insect’s perspective

nature study insect perspective

This week we decided to spend a little time outside since the weather has warmed up. I love nature study, but we have let it slip for a few months now. I’m committing to a weekly nature walk with my kids and plan to do it every Friday! Being outside is so beneficial. I believe that it is really important to slow down, step out, and see what God made for us.

Our nature study this week focused on insects, and I love using the challenges from the Handbook of Nature Study blog. Using some of the ideas from the Outdoor Challenges: Insects Study, we got a plan together, took our journals and camera, and headed out the door.

The kids began a running list of insects that they saw on our walk and wrote them in their nature journals as we walked.

Sister with her journal


Then, they both took a photo that they thought looked like a bug’s eye view of the world and added the photos to their nature journals.

Brothers nature study

Brother’s photo

Sisters nature study

Sister’s photo

We also saw some butterflies, bumblebees, ants, love bugs, a wasp, and a cat.


The cat was a big distraction and sort of ended the insect study for the day, but that was okay.

cat with milk

Brother insisted that we give the cat some milk….so he did. It was a short walk, but we enjoyed time together. Do you make time in your week for nature study?

Family with the cat