Hey friends!
Guess where you can find me this week? If you answered on The Left Brain Artist Podcast your we’re right!
It was such a pleasure to talk to Suzanne about my story and how I’ve grown my art business. Every artist has a story, and I love talking to creative friends about mine because I know that if I can do this, anyone can! Creatives are the best, and I love encouraging others to follow their dreams! I am honored to have had the opportunity to chat with Suzanne.
Go over and give episode #112 a listen! I was so excited to get to talk about my Creative Community, a safe place where like minded artists gather to learn and grow weekly together and my Business Tribe where I help other creatives starting their own small creative business .
Listen here!
Or you can use any podcast app, and search for The Left Brain Artist podcast. Apple Podcasts have an app that is pre-loaded on all iPhones. For Samsung phones, I suggest they get the free Castbox app. Other apps to try: Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, Podbean. And here’s the link to the show notes on Suzanne’s website: https://suzanneredmond.com/112-amanda-hilburn-creating-an-artist-community/