Chatting With Suzanne on The Left Brain Artist Podcast


Hey friends!

Guess where you can find me this week? If you answered on The Left Brain Artist Podcast your we’re right!

It was such a pleasure to talk to Suzanne about my story and how I’ve grown my art business. Every artist has a story, and I love talking to creative friends about mine because I know that if I can do this, anyone can!  Creatives are the best, and I love encouraging others to follow their dreams! I am honored to have had the opportunity to chat with Suzanne.

Go over and give episode #112 a listen! I was so excited to get to talk about my Creative Community, a safe place where like minded artists gather to learn and grow weekly together and my Business Tribe where I help other creatives starting their own small creative business .

Listen here!


Or you can use any podcast app, and search for The Left Brain Artist podcast. Apple Podcasts have an app that is pre-loaded on all iPhones. For Samsung phones, I suggest they get the free Castbox app. Other apps to try: Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, Podbean. And here’s the link to the show notes on Suzanne’s website: