Famous Artist Fridays: Vincent VanGogh

Famous Artist Fridays

This week’s famous artist is: Vincent VanGogh

Vincent vanGogh is one of my favorite artists. I love the colors and strong contrasts in his work. Here are some of our favorites by this artist:

Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night, The
Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night, The
Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass with a Book
Starry Night
Starry Night
Bedroom at Arles
Bedroom at Arles

Here are a few fun links about VanGogh!

1. My Pinterest Board: Artist: VanGogh

2. Short biography about the artist: VanGogh

3. Cute cartoon about the artist from YouTube:

4. And my personal favorite….a clip from the Dr. Who episode about VanGogh. Yeah…I cried.