How To Feed Your Creativity

Do you ever find yourself looking at a blank canvas with a blank mind? It is possible to overwork yourself as an artist and deplete your creativity. Like the old saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!”.

So what do you do when you get stuck?  Over the years, I have found ways to recharge myself and get those ideas flowing again. Here are a few ideas for you to try when you are looking for help with how to feed your creativity.


Never underestimate the power of rest. Doing nothing usually helps me more than doing something. It sounds counterintuitive, but I usually get my best ideas after a nap or in the middle of the night. I get some ideas while I’m in the shower (Hello, relaxed mind time!). You just might need a break to feed your creativity.


There is just something about being outside that recharges your mind and refreshes you. Take a walk. Sit out in your yard (I’m sitting outside in our patio swing as I write this blog post). Go to a local park or natural area and just be. Nature has an amazing way of filling you up when you feel empty.


Try a new medium. Get some new brushes or tools to try. New supplies always make me excited to get in the studio.


When I watch another artist painting (e.i. Bob Ross) it sparks inspiration immediately! Get on YouTube and just watch other people creating! Your cup will be refilled.


Take an online class. Try drawing if you normally paint or vice versa. Play with supplies you already have and try using them in a different way. Paint subjects that stretch you and help you grow. Allow yourself to try new things with the knowledge that you will fail several times before you get it right. Growing comes from doing!


These are just a few ideas that have helped me. There may be other things that you find helpful, too! Music, theater, and exercise may be helpful ideas for some people! We are all a little different in what helps to feed our creativity. Just make mental (or physical) notes when you try something and it works. Then come back to that when you are in a “funk”.

Is there something that you’ve found that works well for you? I’d love to hear from you here in the comments.



Would you like to try something new and see if a loose and fun way to paint just might be the trick to feed your creativity? Here’s a link to get 2 free palette knife painting lessons! I hope it helps you recharge 🙂

Get the free lessons here!

2 Responses

  1. Hobosart18

    I also find lots of inspiration in nature and I think some of my best ideas come while sitting in waiting rooms, on long trips and while browsing at flea markets. I have a file basket where I keep folders of inspiration. In my folders I have pictures torn from magazines, some of my photographs, ideas I have sketched or jotted down, post cards, old greeting cards, quotes, even pieces of fabric. The folders are labeled FLORALS, FALL, CHRISTMAS, ANIMALS, QUOTES, LANDSCAPES, BACKGROUNDS, FURNITURE, BUILDINGS, BIRDS/NESTS, DISHES AND TEAPOTS, and TREES. When I am thinking about a painting I browse through my folders and find things that work together to make a painting. when I use something from my file as inspiration, I try to remember to note that it was used and when, just in case I need to know later. And one of my greatest inspirations is watching other artists, especially those in the Creative Group and Friends of the LBG! Thank you for this group and sharing with all of us!

    • Amanda Hilburn

      Those folders are an awesome idea!!!