1/100 Paintings For Me Project

I’ve been painting and sharing online for almost a decade now. Somewhere along the way it seems that I have lost my way, and have really become hyper focused on the business side of things. I know myself well enough to see that I’ve got to get back to the joy of creating just for creation’s sake, and I plan to do that over the next several months. I’m challenging myself to create 100 paintings just for the purpose of painting….just for fun…just for me! This is my official beginning post and it is painting 1/100. I will be using the hashtag: #100paintingsforme on all of my social media outlets if you would like to follow along.
I am painting all of these just for the enjoyment of the process of painting, but if you’d like to purchase one of these 100 paintings just email me, text me, or DM me!