“As our family went through one of the most trying times we had been through, I began looking for something to do to help out financially. I won’t go in to all that, but that is what got me started looking for a job that fit in with our life instead of our life revolving around my work schedule. I am a stay at home wife and mother. I home school our two sons. I am the wife of a preacher, and I teach Bible class and ladies classes any chance I can.
A friend asked me if I had heard of “Thirty-One Gifts”, and I had heard of it, seen a few items, but that was basically it! I started researching and emailing a lady that sold down in Orlando, FL. When I saw that Cindy Monroe named the company after the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31 – my interest was peaked even more! So in March of 2012, I ordered my $99 Kit to begin my own business with Thirty-One. It was scary to me to do this because we didn’t have $99 to spend, but my husband supported me in the decision and I haven’t regretted it at all! I made that money back and am now a Director with a team of 17 wonderful ladies that I help to make their businesses successful.
So what is Thirty-One? You may not know – or maybe you do! We have great Totes, Purses, Home Organizing Products, and much more. The company keeps up with the latest fashion trends and produces prints and fabrics for us to all be organized and fashionable! The prices are affordable, and we have specials every month to give those bargain hunters (like me) great deals.
This endeavor has become more to me than a business, though. I feel free to share with my customers and other consultants that I am a Christian (which you can’t always do with your job). It allows me to stay at home, go with my husband, Wayne, to Gospel Meetings, Lectureships, etc. I have formed new friendships, caught up with friends I hadn’t talk with in a while, and am so excited to see some of my fellow Christian friends have success in their lives by joining my team of Rodgers’ Rubies. It has truly been a blessing to me and our family that I began this journey.”