Fill’er Up


refill-your-heartIt has been almost a month since my last blog post! I had some updating to do to the inside (technical parts) of my website, and I think it is finally ready. Yay!!

While this was going on, I was somewhat forced to take a break, and I found out that I really needed it.

For some reason, I am not good at taking breaks.

I have some issues with things like: making sure the car has gas, remembering to eat when I am really busy working, and allowing myself to rest when I am tired but don’t want to admit it. I tend to just keep on going when the gas is low, the energy is depleted, and the mind and body really need rest.

I keep going and going and going….giving and giving and giving, and then before I know it I am…Spent. Empty. Blank.

I have no new ideas, no words to help others, no energy to take care of things at home

…and it hits me.

I have been pouring out and not filling up. I need to rest and refill.

This applies to all areas of my life including my Spiritual life. When I do not take the time to pray and read God’s Word, I feel it.

Just like when I forget to eat and exercise like I should, and my body crashes; when I forget to feed myself Spiritually, my spirit crashes!


Here are a few ideas for self care:

  1. Bible Reading and Prayer

I really like using the SOAP study idea.

S- Scripture: Choose a passage and write it out in your journal.

O- Observe: Write down some things you see in the passage.

A- Apply: Decide how these observations can be applied to your life.

P- Prayer: Pray about your findings.

2. Bubble Baths

Who doesn’t like a bubble bath!!?

3. Exercise

I have found that walking and listening to podcasts or music is an awesome way to relieve stress and feel better.

4. Naps

Just a little 30 minute nap can turn my day around when I am feeling overwhelmed.




Rests and refills are so important!

Don’t forget to take care of you 🙂

What do you do to refill?



4 Responses

  1. Tami

    Great article Amanda, I too get busy and don’t stop, The “SOAP” is a wonderful Idea. I read every day, study on others for certain lessons, but this is a great idea. I guess my “refill” is reading and praying in the morning, I call it my quiet time. I know it can take quite a bit of time, but I Love fb, and texting. I am away from all my family, and friends, this keeps me in touch with them. Oh and skype with Jacob and Melissa and boys. (that doesn’t happen enough, lol) I do need to do more physical stuff. Thanks again for the encouraging words.

    • amanda

      Thank you for the comment, Tami 🙂 The internet is a great tool when you feel like you are alone. I am happy that you are able to use it to connect with friends.

  2. Doris

    I love the SOAP idea. I have started writing down passages in my journal that I need to keep in mind or study further. Writing down my observations in studying the passage will help me expand my spiritual well being even more. Thanks, Amanda

    • amanda

      I have a journal, too! I write in it during the lessons in Bible class or sermons. I sometimes think of questions and put them down to look them up later 🙂