This is a time lapsed video of me creating one of my girl pieces today. These pieces come to life when I am thinking, feeling stressed, or need some clarity. These paintings are really quirky and different but therapeutic in some strange way. As I worked on this one today, I realized something about myself. I tend to think that I need someone’s permission to do….well, just about everything. I don’t know exactly why, but I do know that I am people pleaser and want to make people happy, so I guess I subconsciously think that I need to make sure everyone thinks it’s okay for me to do….x, y or z. Do you know how stressful that is?! LOL!!
Now that I realize this, I am making a conscious effort to give myself permission. Permission to create the art that I want to create even if I am unsure that others will like it. I’m giving myself permission to run my business the way I want to run it because it is mine after all. I’m allowing myself to take breaks and just rest if I know that I need to, and say no to things that I know will overwhelm me and cause unneeded stress. I realize that there are some things that are non-negotiable in life, things that we have to do. But the things that aren’t really a big deal….why bind ourselves to the weight of them?
Just sharing from my heart tonight in hopes that I help someone else.