From The Creative Community: Artist Sharon Coleman

There are so many amazing artists in my Creative Community. In the last several weeks  I’ve been interviewing and featuring some of them here on the blog.


This week’s featured artist is Sharon Coleman.

This is our interview, some of her beautiful paintings,  and information on how to find this Artsy Nana on the web!

1. Tell us a little about who you are and where you are from.
My Name is Sharon Coleman and I am from Alabama.  I’m Married to my Husband/Best Friend of 30 Years. I’m a 63 year old Mother and Grandmother (Nana) of 6 Precious Grandchildren!

2. How long have you been painting?
I actually started Painting some about 10 years ago.  Then 2 years ago, I discovered Amanda, on Facebook, and thru her Teachings & Techniques, a whole NEW Passion for Painting was Born in Me!

3. What does art mean to you? How has it been helpful to you personally?
I have considered myself to be a Crafty and Creative Person since I was in my 20’s. In my Younger Years, my Sweet Mother had taught me to ALWAYS keep my hands busy. “Even while you are watching TV, you can still be doing something with your Hands” she would say! So even back then, Crafting, Creating and Making things was a form of Art for me.  Now that I’ve learned to Paint, it just seems to have brought it all Full Circle. No matter what is going on my my Life, ART takes me to a place that allows me to express my Heart all while getting lost in a World of Color & Creativity!

4. What advice would you give someone who is thinking about beginning painting or hasn’t painted in a long time and wants to start again?
I would say…..Go For it!! The Desire in your Heart to Create thru Painting can possibly Open up a Whole New World that God can use in your life, as well as in the lives of Others!

5. Do you have a shop or online place where we can find your work?
On Facebook: One Artsy Nana  



If you would like to learn to create beautiful art with a palette knife like Sharon, try this free painting tutorial and see how much fun it is to create with acrylic paint and a palette knife: FREE LESSONS


    So nice to get to know all of the artists in the group a little better! Sharon’s art is awesome and she is a great supporter of artists in our group! So nice to meet you Sharon!